

Preeclampsia screening: Safety for you and your child

  11. September 2023      Dr. med. Carolin Hecht-Kleine Wortmann

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-related condition that can occur in the second half of pregnancy and is characterized by increased blood pressure and protein in the urine. Symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, water retention, and abdominal pain, among others.


Pregnolia - Preventive examination to assess the risk of premature birth

  28. February 2023      Dr. med. Jennifer Pohle

Pregnancy usually lasts 40 weeks. If the baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is called a premature birth. A distinction is also made between a "very early premature birth", in which the baby is born before 28 weeks of pregnancy, an "early" premature birth between 28 and 34 weeks of pregnancy and a "late" premature birth, i.e. a birth between 34 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.

According to figures from the Federal Statistical Office, 6.4% of children born in Switzerland in 2021 and 2020 were born prematurely, i.e. before the 37th week of pregnancy. The proportion of very early preterm bir...


Pre-eclampsia or as it used to be called: pregnancy poisoning in question and answer

  31. January 2023      pract. med. Josiane Reissner

“What is preeclampsia and should I be afraid of it as a pregnant woman?”
For starters, fear is rarely a good companion, but having respect for the disease and being informed about it is quite a good idea. Preeclampsia is a disease that can occur in about 2-8% of pregnant women worldwide and 2% in Europe. In Switzerland, the percentage is less than 2%. That is, it affects only about 2 out of every 100 pregnant women. The name preeclampsia means “before eclampsia”, whereas eclampsia is an epileptic seizure. The name refers to the most feared complication of the disease. However, this term descri...


anti-Müllerian hormone

  12. September 2022      Dr. med. Friederike Bender

Does it make sense to determine the anti-Müller hormone (AMH value) in order to assess fertility? Since it is known that fertility decreases with age, many of our patients want to find out by means of tests when the optimal time for a pregnancy is and whether a pregnancy can be postponed.


Desire to have children. What is allowed in Switzerland?

  24. August 2022      Dr. med. univ. Martina von Watzdorf

The desire to have a child is one of the most natural things in the world. Sometimes things just don’t work out the way we imagine. If, after twelve months of trying, it has not worked out with a pregnancy, we recommend a clarification of the involuntary childlessness. The costs of the examination (early-cycle hormone profile, tubal patency check, spermiogram) are usually covered by mandatory health insurance.


The days before the days…

  09. July 2022      Dr. med. Carolin Hecht-Kleine Wortmann

80% of women know it – changes with e.g. breast tenderness, mood swings, or water retention in the second half of the cycle.


Unwanted urine leakage, bladder weakness, and irritable bladder – an overview

  23. June 2022      Prof. (UNIC) Dr. med. Bettina von Seefried

According to surveys, 40-50% of women between the ages of 30 and 75 unintentionally leak urine when coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Another proportion of women is tormented by a strong urge to urinate at far too short intervals throughout the day, sometimes to such an extent that the planning of activities is adapted to the bladder stimulus. Two groups of bladder weakness are roughly described above: the so-called stress urinary incontinence and urge incontinence. For clarification, we will describe these two forms separately here, but it is often the case where mixed forms exist.


First visit to the gynecologist

  02. June 2022      Dr. med. Isabella Kiefer

What can I expect at my first visit to the gynecologist? First of all, when is it time to go to the gynecologist? Typical reasons would be, for example: Pain during menstruation or heavy bleeding that lasts longer than 7 days. Irregular menstrual bleeding is normal in the first few years after the onset of menarche ( beginning of the 1st menstrual period ).


The pill – what’s new?

  24. May 2022      Dr. med. Anna Fischer

The pill has been used as a contraceptive for over 50 years. The pill remains one of the safest contraceptives and is the most commonly used method of preventing pregnancy.


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